Breckette Ann Ostrand

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear Breckette Ann,

On March 8, 2013 you changed our lives, and oh how my cup overflows. You are the center of our world, my sweet girl. Your name is unique much like you are. You are special and one of a kind. We just felt a tie to the name Breckette not sure why, but it just fit. Your middle name, Ann, comes from your Grandma and Nana. It's extra special you see, because it is their middle name too!
When you first arrived you didn't even cry just looked up at your daddy and the two of you stared in wonder at eachother. It was a rare special moment that only the two of you will forever share.
It wasn't an easy fight to get you here. Your mommy and daddy faught hard for you, baby girl, just as we always will. But you came into this world as the light of our lives. You were the most perfect 7lb 5oz little girl I've ever seen. With the most radient blue eyes. A blue that only rivals that of the deep ocean or the most perfect clear summer day. Breathtaking! (They are much like your daddy's eyes...just as I prayed for) Your hair was a spitting image of mine..dark! Although, it didn't stay that way for long. Gourgeous, simply gourgeous is what you are!
When we finally got to take you home it was probably the most scary thing I've gone through. I didn't know what to do. I was a new mom with the biggest gift of her life and you were mine to take care of. I read all the books I could on preparing for you, but here we were just your dad, me and you. All those late nights of just me and you....well I wouldn't take them back for anything! It wasn't easy but we've managed just fine. You and me baby girl, we conqured our fears and trials and created memories along the way. I don't think I could as for anything more.
You were so loved on by so many! You are one lucky girl!! You had people coming in from all across the US just to see your beautiful smile. And boy did you smile that beautiful smile for them and anyone else. I pray there is never a doubt in your mind how much you are loved. It spans across the US by people who have never even met you, yet love you more than words can describe. And that doesn't even come close to how much we love you.
I'm gunna fill you in on a little secret...your daddy is a big softy when it comes to you. Oh how I wish you could see him with you from my point of view! The love and bond you two share fills the room like the warm light from a blazing red sunset. It fills me with more joy than words could possibly describe. And you eat it up. You are his biggest fan. When you look at him, you can see it all over your face that he is your first true love, your prince in shining armour, your hero, YOUR DADDY. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
My sweet sweet girl time is flying by. The first 6 months of your life zipped by far too fast. If only I could some how slow it down or save it in a jar just to be able to look back at these moments. But thats not possible so I sit back and watch in awe of the beautiful gift that you are. You are growing and developing and changing everyday and we couldn't be more proud of you.You are so smart! Watching you learn how to smile, roll, laugh, sit, play and now eating it is such a wonderful journey.
The Lord has blessed us beyond belief. Your gentle spirit is unfolding in front of our eyes and I cannot wait to see what the Lord is going to do with it. He has big plans for you and of that I'm sure!
And that smile, oh that smile!!! You are so quick to smile and I pray that you stay that way. Latch onto that joy and keep it in you forever. You light up a room and fill it with so much joy just from that smile. Never let that go , my love.

You are my joy.

With all my love,



Week 31

Friday, January 11, 2013

How far along? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up to about 22 lbs
Maternity clothes? A few here and there mostly tops.   
Stretch marks? Nope :)
Sleep: Sleep has been harder lately. Mostly because I can't roll over.  
Best moment this week: Getting a good Dr report on my gestational diabetes
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? I miss eating whatever I want!!  
Movement: All the time! 
Food cravings: peanut butter and banana sandwiches!!  YUM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope feeling great!
Have you started to show yet: oh yea I guess maybe a little ;)
Gender prediction: It's a Little Miss!
Labor Signs: May have had a few more Braxton Hicks.  
Belly Button in or out? Mostly out, but depends on where she is sitting at the time. 
Wedding rings on or off? Band always on, but engagement ring is a quarter size smaller and has to come off by evening or so.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Our parenting classes next week and our 36 week ultrasound! 

Week 30


We L-O-V-E our pictures! All thanks to Oh So Edgy Photography {Lindsey Burki & Danielle Ostrand} It was a pretty cold and windy day, but the pictures turned out wonderful. Thanks ladies! Here is just a handful of the pictures. It was really hard to choose!! 

Week 29 - Little Miss was showered with Love!

While we were back in Nebraska for Christmas with Kyle's family Little Miss was showered with love! It was a really special and fun day filled with so many wonderful people, beautiful decorations and amazing food. Kyle's sister-in-law Danielle, sister Kara, and mom Julie put together a beautiful shower. And as you can see the decorations were stunning. Looks like it needs to be on Pinterest if you as me ;)

Thank you to everyone who came out to show your love for Little Miss. It was truly humbling to see all the love that everyone has for someone who isn't even here yet. We couldn't be more blessed to have you all in our lives and in the life of our little girl. A very special thank you to Danielle, Kara and Julie who worked so very hard to make this all come together. I honestly don't think I could have dreamed for a more beautiful shower. Thank you so very much.

Week 28

Our Little Miss,

I'm not sure why this week was so much harder than the others have been, but it was. I think realizing that that this time of just us is coming to an end made for a bitter-sweet week. I don't know if I am ready to share you with the rest of the world quite yet. That's just your mama being selfish though, because there is a great deal of anticipation, excitement and love waiting for you to join the world.

I heard a song on one of my walks toward the end of this week and {don't laugh at me} it brought me to tears. I have been praying for you daily and sometimes they aren't even a prayer but more a dream for you. The words don't always come, but the song of my heart sings for you. Well, this part of the song was like it was the words to the melody of my heart; the song that is my love, hopes, and dreams for you.

"I wanna give her the world
I wanna hold her hand
I wanna hold her close for as long as I can
I wanna show her what it means to be loved"

In those four simple lines my heart burst open with everything coming out. My fears, my hopes for you, my dreams of your future, my desire to show you what it means to be loved with no end all came gushing out right there on the sidewalk. As I continued my walk and talk with you and the Lord I realized that in that moment you and I were exactly where the Lord wanted us to be; in today. With that came an overwhelming sense of peace and the Lord granted me a brief look at all the love that will surround you, and I knew...everything is going to be just fine.

Precious daughter, we are so excited to meet you. Your daddy and I dream about what you will look like and what our lives will be like with you in it. He may not admit it yet, but you have him wrapped around your finger already! It's so sweet how much he loves you. He will rush over just to feel you move. Oh I can't wait for you two to truly meet!! It wont be long now...

All my love,

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