Better Late Than Never...Right?

Friday, May 18, 2012

I realized I had this post saved from clear back when I posted our wedding pictures. So before you listen/read here is a little history behind this idea. 

When I was pretty little, long before Kyle, my stepmom, Beth, and I heard a story on the radio of a girl who wrote a prayer for her husband to be read on their wedding day. We both loved the idea so much that we locked it away in that special room every girl has in her heart. The "Someday Wedding" room. When Kyle proposed Beth asked if this was something I remembered, and of course it was. I wrote out the prayer and went to a friend and had him record my prayer. I knew Frosty the snowman had a better chance of living in Fiji than I did of making it through the prayer on our wedding day without breaking down in tears, so I had our friend put it together with some music since our wedding was outside. Kyle had no idea any of this was going on which made it an extra special surprise for him when I stopped at the end of the isle and this prayer came flowing out of the speakers. The look on his face when the words of my heart poured out as I stood at the other end of the isle from him was one I'll never forget. It was a moment where no one else was there it was just Kyle and I and the song of my heart praising Jesus for all He had done. Beautiful. Simple. Ours.

In Christ,

*To listen to the prayer click on the yellow Marquette's Prayer  below you also may want to mute the music at the bottom of the blog. To read along you may have to click back to this blog post. 

Heavenly Father,
My heart is filled with excitement.  I am about to embark on a brand new journey in life.  In a matter of moments, I will take that grand walk down the aisle.  Everyone in the room will turn their eyes to me, honoring me as the bride of the wedding celebration.  My walk down the aisle will be the final steps I take as a single woman, and in those last moments, my prayer is for You to be honored.
Father, I praise You for the gift of salvation.  You loved me so much that You gave Your precious Son to die for my sins.  Jesus, You left the freedom, splendor and peace of heaven to come to earth where You were ridiculed, rejected, beaten and crucified.  You died so I could have a relationship with the Father.  Such love is amazing!
Before I met You, I was a fearful, hurting, hopeless little girl who had no desire to live.  At 20 years of age, You captured my heart and began a relationship with me that has changed by life forever.   Like a butterfly when it sees the light of day for the very first time, You raised me up on the wings of Your love and taught me how to fly.  My life is now a sweet journey filled with hope and joy and purpose - all because of You, Jesus. 
Loving Father, I praise You for the gift of singleness that You have granted me with.  At times, I have feared that I was all alone in this journey; I have feared that I was unlovable.  In Your sweet way, You have shown me that I never walk alone because You are with me always.  You have heard my cries, comforted me, helped me, fought for me, empowered me, provided for me and loved me unconditionally.  You have taught me what love is and how to love.  Jesus, thank You for sharing Your life with me and allowing me to experience Your grace, power, and freedom.  Such love is amazing!
Heavenly Father, I praise You for the gift of marriage that I will receive tonight.  Your Word says the marriage relationship is symbolic of the love relationship of Christ and His Church.  Thank you for granting me the opportunity to experience the human relationship, which most closely exemplifies Your deep love for us.
Sweet Father, I praise You for the gift of true love which has drawn Kyle and me together as partners in life's journey.  I love how You have shaped Kyle into a man after Your own heart.  I love how You've made him a man of character - gentle, yet strong, wise, steady, loving  and passionate, supportive, honest trustworthy, dedicated and persevering, with a heart overflowing with love and compassion.  Thank You for providing a husband for me who knows the song of my heart.  Kyle's love for me is a sweet reminder that my Heavenly Father delights in me.  I treasure the gift You have given me in Kyle. Teach me how to best encourage, support, and pray for my man so he can conquer the world, if that's what You call him to do.   Empower me to be a wife who loves my husband well.  I pray that through me, You will reveal to Kyle how high and deep and long and wide is Your love for him.  May our marriage relationship be a living, growing, loving testimony of You that blesses others.
Jesus, our journey together has been sweet, and now, it will become even sweeter as You merge Kyle's and my roads together.  Teach us how to walk life's road as one, keep us in step with You.
I love You with all my heart and pray in the precious name of Jesus.

While I'm Waiting

It seems like our life is a whirlwind of hurry up and wait. While we were driving back from a long run to Vernal, UT I (Marquette) was taking the late night shift. The song While I'm Waiting By John Waller came on. If you haven't heard the song the lyrics are :

And I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait

It was like the words came right out of the speakers and grabbed my heart. It was such a strong reminder that even though I am waiting on what's next doesn't mean I stop. I am to serve and worship even in this time of waiting. I tend to try to focus on the next task at hand rather than being content where I am. The Lord wants us to be happy where we are at, especially because we are always exactly where he wants us to be. But sometimes it's just so easy to focus on either the tiniest of details in front of you or the mountain that is still miles away.

Where Kyle and I are is not an easy place. We have been stripped of our families, our closest friends, our church community, our comfort zones, and our lives as a whole. It's just plain hard sometimes. We are confident that we are right where the Lord wants us to be, and we are are fixed on being obedient. But even though it's hard I do have the promise that this too shall pass. It is just a season of our lives, a tough season, but a season nonetheless. And as newlyweds we can move ahead bold and confident knowing that the maker of heaven and Earth is also the one we call Abba Father. We can cry out to him for He has our best interest at heart and his plan is perfect. It will play out in due time, his time.  

Just where I am right now...

In Christ,

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